What are the Game Rules of Padel Tennis?
By: Melle | Last update: 27 January 2022
In every game there are rules. It is no different in padel. As you may have read somewhere, it is a kind of combination of tennis and squash. The rules of the game are very different.
the field
You are standing on a field of 10 by 20 meters with a fence of glass and fencing. It field is divided into two sides by a net (just like in tennis). On the field there are 4 service areas and 2 back fields. You play padel in a two against two match format. The game has quite a bit rules of tennis included, so the players must hit the ball over the net and the ball may only be hit once until it comes back from the other field. On the field there are 4 service areas and 2 back fields. You play padel in a two against two match format. The game has quite a bit rules of tennis included, so the players must hit the ball over the net and the ball may only be hit once until it comes back from the other field.
The starting rules of Padel
You serve underhand, let the ball bounce behind the service line and then hit the ball underhand to the other side in the diagonal box of the opponent. If the opponent has this plays the ball back it has started. You serve from the right side and then from the left side, so you switch sides every time. The nice thing is that you can use the walls in the game. if the ball goes too fast to hit it back in one go or if you can’t make it, the ball can bounce back through the back/wall and then hit it back. The ball may touch the surface once before he gets knocked back the other way. This makes long and exciting rallies. in the service, the ball may touch the wall after it has bounced in the diagonal box, if the ball touches the fence it is a faulty service. If the ball touches the net while serving and then ends up in the correct box, it may be replayed. With a ball in the net it is of course just a wrong shot.
The rules while playing Padel
The game rules of Padel are not that hard to learn. When the ball is hit, it must first hit the ground before hitting the wall or fence. As soon as the ball first touches the glass or fence, it is a foul ball. When the ball is hit towards you, you can choose whether you let it bounce or whether you hit it right back out of the air (a volley). You can also decide for yourself whether you let the ball touch the wall after bouncing, as long as you then play the ball back without touching the surface. When playing a match, often taking into account a playing time of one hour.
The scoring in padel is actually the same as in tennis, 15 – 30 – 40 – game. It is also the deuce at the 40-40 position. To win you need to score 2 consecutive points. You usually play ‘best of three’ which means that the first team to win 2 games wins. A game is winning 6 sets. With a score of 6-6 in sets, a tiebreak is played, this goes until the 7 points scored. This must be done with a difference of 2 points.
Playing padel may seem a bit complicated at first, but once you do it a few times it is actually quite simple. If you stick to the rules, it’s super fun and intensive game!
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